Fall 2023 through Summer 2024 Verification
Students whose FAFSAs are selected for verification will be notified by the Office of Student Financial Aid which items are required for our office to verify the data in the FAFSA. Current and prospective students can log in to our Online Financial Aid System HERE (opens in a new window) to check the status of their financial aid. Certain verification documents are only accessible via the student's Online Financial Aid System account.
See below for information on how the verification process works, available verification forms, policies and deadlines to complete the process.

Phone: 620-331-4100
Location: Administration Building
Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
What is Verfication?
Some FAFSA applications are selected for verification by the U.S. Department of Education. When that occurs, ICC must verify certain information you (or your parent) entered into the FAFSA. What information you must provide depends on a variety of factors and you have options on how you can verify the requested information. If you submit verification documents that do not match your FAFSA, we update your FAFSA based on the newly verified information you provided.
What do I have to do?
You will first receive a mailed letter to you indicating that your FAFSA was selected for verification and which items we will need to complete verification. In that letter, you will be asked to go to ICC's Online Financial Aid System to submit the requested documents. Most verification documents can only be completed/uploaded through this system.
You should read the instructions for verification documents very carefully. You are certifying under penalty of fines and/or jail that the information you are submitting is true to the best of your knowledge.
Do my parent(s) have to participate?
Dependent students may be required to provide verification forms that require a parent's signature. Although it is the student's financial aid, it is the 'household' that is considered in calculating aid for dependent students. This often requires at least one parent participate in the process. Students may not sign verification documents for their parents and parents may not sign verification documents for the student. Students suspected of having submitted verification documents fraudulently will be referred to the Judicial Committee for adjudication that may result in expulsion and denial of enrollment to the student.
What happens after I submit the requested information?
Our office will review the information submitted only after you have submitted all requested verification documents.* We will not review an incomplete verification file. You can check the status of submitted documents using the "Required Documents" section of the Online Financial Aid System.
*students selected to provide proof of Identity and a Statement of Educational Purpose must respond within 60 days of the first day you receive notice of the requirement. Failure to provide this information within 60 days of the request will result in our office reporting your FAFSA's verification status as 'No Response'.
Once all documents are submitted, you should allow for 2-4 weeks for processing. If your verification documents require a change to your FAFSA, our office will process that change for you. If we have questions about the submissions, we will reach out to you via email. Once our office has verified the information, you will receive an award letter notifying you of all the available Federal Student Aid.
After you receive your award letter, you may accept or decline the offered aid using the Online Financial Aid System.
What if I can't complete verification?
You should contact your Financial Aid Specialist listed on your initial letter; or contact the general financial aid office at (620) 332-5460 or at ICC cannot disburse financial aid for an unverified FAFSA, but there may be unusual circumstances under which you have additional aid options.
Most verification forms must be completed and submitted through your Online Financial Aid System account. You can view instructions for logging in to and using the system HERE.
You can access the verification of identity and Statement of Educational Purpose HERE.
When completing verifcation documents, read the instructions very carefully. You will often have to provide information in addition to uploading documents. You will have to obtain the requested documents before you will be able to submit the form. It is recomended that you view the read through the form and requested information, obtain the requested documents, then return to the form to submit along with its uploaded document.
Verification Policies of the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA)
Definition. Verification is the process of confirming the accuracy of student reported data on financial aid applications. Only a portion of applicants are selected for verification. Applicants are selected for application by Department of Education.
Identification of Selected Applicants. Applicants are selected for verification of the U.S. Department of Education. OSFA does not select applicants for verification. However, OSFA does resolve conflicting information that may present itself when an OSFA staff member knows of a conflict that exists between information reported by the student on the FAFSA and information known to an OSFA staff member.
Notification. OSFA notifies the student of the need for documentation by mailing students an introductory letter to access the online financial aid system to view their “Requested Documents” section. Students also receive five (5) follow-up emails regarding the need for documentation. Finally, students receive a written letter notifying them of the need for documentation and that their record will be placed on “hold” until they take further action.
Exclusions. Absent conflicting information, the following applicants are excluded from selection include, but are not limited to:
- Applicants who die during the award year (regardless of conflicting information);
- Applicants who will not receive Title IV aid for reasons other than failure to complete verification;
- Applicants ineligible to receive subsidized student financial assistance;
- Dependent students whose parents reside outside the United State and cannot be contacted by normal means of communication (exclusion is applicable to parental information only);
- Dependent applicants when both parents are mentally incapacitated (exclusion is applicable to parental information only);
- Transfer students who completed verification at the previous school and the current school obtains the correct information/data;
- Applicant spousal information when the spouse is deceased, mentally incapacitated, residing in a country other than the United States and cannot be contacted by normal means, or the spouse’s contact information is unknown;
- The student was selected for verification after ceasing to be enrolled at ICC and all (including late) disbursements were made; and
- All eligible applicants for whom modification and waiving of some statutory and regulatory provisions applies under the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act. Eligible applicants include persons:
- Serving on active duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency;
- Performing qualifying National Guard duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency;
- Residing or employed in an area declared a disaster area by any federal, state, or local official in connection with a national emergency; or
- Persons who have suffered direct economic hardship as a direct result of a war, other military operation, or national emergency.
Data Elements to be Verified. The Department of Education publishes a notice in the Federal Register annually which identifies the FAFSA information subject to verification for each award year. The OSFA always refers to the most up-to-date Fedearl Student Aid Handbook and published notices. In addition to the required verification elements, OSFA reserves the right to verify any conflicting information. The following information are published verification items for the award year 2023-24:
- Standard Verification Group (V1) Tax Filers. Students in this group must verify the following if they are tax filers:
- Adjusted Gross Income (AGI);
- U.S. income tax paid;
- Untaxed portions of IRA distributions;
- Untaxed portions of pensions;
- IRA deductions and payments;
- Tax-exempt interest income;
- Education credits;
- Household size; and
- Number in college.
- Standard Verification Group (V1) Non-Tax Filers. Students who are not tax filers must verify the following:
- Income earned from work;
- Household size; and
- Number in college.
- Custom Verification Group (V4). Students must verify identity/statement of educational purpose.
- Aggregate Verification Group (V5). Students must verify identity/statement of educational purpose in addition to the items in the Standard Verification Group.
Exceptions to Verification Elements (Special Circumstances)
- A dependent student with an automatic zero EFC selected for V1 or V5 verification must only verify:
- The parents’ AGI if they were tax filers;
- The parents’ income earned from work if they were non-tax filers (and follow the guidance given for non-filers); and
- Verify identity and sign statement of educational purpose if selected for V5.
- An independent student with an automatic zero EFC selected for V1 or V5 verification must only verify:
- Student’s and student’s spouse’s AGI if they were tax filers;
- Their income earned form work if they were non-tax filers (and follow the guidance given for non-filers);
- Identity and statement of educational purpose if selected for V5; and
- The number of household members to determine if the student has any dependents other than a spouse.
The following are the deadlines for verifcation of your 2023-24 FAFSA. Failing to meet these deadlines will result in the loss of Federal Student Aid. All deadlines are final and ICC does not accept late submissions.
Federal Pell Grant
To be considered for a Federal Pell Grant, students selected for standard verification must submit verification documents to ICC no later than 120 days after the last date of enrollment for the award year; or by the published date set by the Department of Education in September (whichever is the earlier of the two dates). Failure to meet this deadline will result in no Federal Pell Grant being disbursed to the student.
All Other Federal Student Aid
To be considered for other Federal Student Aid, verification must be complete and aid eligibility determined no later than the last date of enrollment. Student loans cannot be processed within the last two days of your last date of enrollment. Failure to meet this deadline will result in no other Federal Student Aid being disbursed to the student.
Verification of Identity and Educational Purpose
To be considered for any Federal Student Aid, students selected for verification of Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose must submit verification documents to ICC within 60 days of the first date the student is requested to submit the documentation. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the student’s FAFSA being reported as ‘No Response’. A student’s verification status may be changed if verification documents are received no later than the last date of enrollment. Failure to meet this deadline will result in no Federal Student Aid being disbursed to the student.
Contact Us
- Overview
- General Information
- Cost of Attendance
- Deadlines
- Disbursements
- Forms
- Online Financial Aid Access - Fall
- Online Financial Aid Access - Summer (opens in new window)
- Paying For College
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Scholarships
- Special or Unusual Circumstances
- Student Responsibilities
- Summer Financial Aid
- Verification
- Veteran Student Benefits
- Withdraw and Return of Aid
- FAQs
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