Financial Aid Questions

  1. How do I get financial aid?
  2. How do I know how much financial aid I qualify for?
  3. How does my parent request a Parent PLUS Loan?
  4. How much will my refund be?
  5. I have a Stop (Hold) on my account, what do I do?
  6. I have already completed my FAFSA, why is my financial aid incomplete?
  7. When will I receive my financial aid?
  8. Why do I still owe? Doesn’t my scholarship cover the cost of attendance?

How do I get financial aid?

You can apply for Federal Student Aid (Federal Pell grant, Federal student loans, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study) by completing the FAFSA at  You can apply for an ICC scholarship and an ICC Foundation scholarship by completing the online application. All ICC Scholarship recipients must complete the appropriate year's FAFSA. ICC treats summer as the end of the award year (e.g., Summer 2023 is part of the 2022-23 FAFSA; not a part of the 2023-24 FAFSA).

Financial aid is disbursed to student accounts after the term begins based on the disbursement schedule HERE

Students must have submitted all required documents to the Office of Student Financial Aid by the deadline stated on the disbursement schedule. Students can view and submit all required documents through their Online Financial Aid System HERE

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How do I know how much financial aid I qualify for?

You will receive an estimate of the financial aid you are eligible for in the form of an ICC College Financing Plan. You can always access your College Financing Plan online at any time on the online financial aid system.

Student's whose FAFSA is either not selected for verification or whose FAFSA has been verified will receive an award letter by mail and/or email notifying you of Federal Student Aid for which you are eligible. Some award letters may not include your ICC scholarship offer if the department who awarded the scholarship has not yet notified our office of your award.

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How does my parent request a Parent PLUS Loan?

Parents should complete the Federal Parent PLUS Loan application hosted by the U.S. Department of Education. Your electronic application will be sent to ICC and processed from there. 

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How much will my refund be?

The Financial Aid Office does not calculate your refund. You must review your billing statement by going to Class Link (go to Self-Service, Finances & view detail charges/credits by term), take into consideration your cost of on-campus housing (if applicable) and calculate how much you would receive back after all those costs have been paid for. The Business Office can assist you with this calculation.

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I have a Stop (Hold) on my account, what do I do?

The Office of Student Financial Aid controls the following holds:

  • Financial Aid Warning: this stop is for informational purposes only. This is to notify you that during a particular term, you were placed on Financial Aid Warning. The criteria for Financial Aid Warning can be found in our Policies. Students on Warning for Federal Student Aid may not be eligible for an ICC scholarship, which requires at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA each term of enrollment.
  • Financial Aid Denial: this stop is to inform you that you have been placed on Financial Aid Denial for a particular term. You may enroll in courses for that term, but you may not receive Federal Student Aid (and in some cases, ICC scholarships) during that term unless you have been granted a Financial Aid Denial Appeal. Without a successful appeal, you are responsible for paying the cost to attend ICC.
  • Loan Exit Counseling: this stop is to inform you that you have not yet completed Loan Exit Counseling at You should not complete Loan Exit Counseling until you are graduating, transferring or no longer attending ICC. You may enroll with this stop on your account.
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I have already completed my FAFSA, why is my financial aid incomplete?

Some students are selected for verification by the Dep't of Education or require resolution by ICC. Verification requires you submit documents to verify certain information you provided in the FAFSA. Students selected for verification will see a checklist of items to be provided by going to ICC's online financial aid system

All students must submit the FSA Authorization form and all applicable final transcripts. You can view the list of documents needed from you on the online financial aid system. Instructions on how to access the online financial aid system can be found HERE

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When will I receive my financial aid?

Financial aid is generally disbursed in one payment each semester to qualifying students who have provided all required documentation. The disbursement schedule is set by the Office of Student Financial Aid each term. You can view the disbursement schedule or view the deadline schedule. You must be attending your course(s) in order to earn your disbursement. Financial aid is disbursed to your student account to pay for all qualifying educationally related expenses--including Housing (where applicable). Any funds remaining after your expenses have been paid is refunded to you.

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Why do I still owe? Doesn’t my scholarship cover the cost of attendance?

ICC tuition scholarships do not cover the cost of student fees (a per-credit-hour charge), the meal plan, student housing, or non-textbook supplies charged to the student’s account. If your total accepted financial aid package of scholarships, grants, or student loans does not pay for your cost in full, you will not receive a refund and will have a balance owed to ICC or ICC Housing.

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