Summer Financial Aid

Application for Summer Financial Aid

The summer term at ICC is the conclusion (trailer) of the FAFSA year at ICC, the deadline for which is June 30th of each year. Summer 2024 requires the 2023-24 FAFSA. The deadline is June 30, 2024; after this date, the application is closed by the U.S. Department of Education and students cannot access a new application. 

Transfer students or students who have previously completed a 2023-24 FAFSA must correct their application to add ICC as a selected school. ICC's school code is 001924.

Students should be aware that they must enroll in 6 or more hours to reside in on-campus housing during the summer term, including the July-only session.

Year-Round Pell

Federal Pell Grant recipients are eligible to receive up to 150% of their Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award during an award year. Generally, for students who have received full-time Federal Pell Grant awards for fall and spring terms are eligible to receive an additional full-time Pell Grant award so long as the student is enrolled at least half-time (6 or more credits hours) in the subsequent summer.


Students must have submitted a 2023-24 FAFSA for Summer 2024 term on or before June 30th. The application will be closed by the U.S. Department of Education after this date and cannot be accessed by the student or ICC. 

Scholarship recipients must have fulfilled all scholarship requirements on or before the last day of the summer term

All financial aid applicants must meet basic eligility requirements on or before the last day of the summer term. This deadline is FINAL and no exceptions are granted by ICC. Basic eligibility requirements include:

  • The receipt of a valid FAFSA with a calculated EFC;
  • The receipt of official high school transcript or other proof of completion of high school equivalancy, dated within the student's period of enrollment. 
  • The receipt of official college transcript(s) for any college the student has attended, dated within the student's period of enrollment. Regardless of whether the student earned any academic credit, an official transcript must be provided. Students cannot choose to not disclose prior college history and provide official transcripts. 
  • Be enrolled in and attending a finanicial aid-eligible program. 

For other Federal Student Aid Deadlines, visit the Financial Aid Deadlines page

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