ICC is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Independence Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of six regional accrediting agencies in the United States.
As stated by HLC, “Regional accreditation validates the quality of an institution as a whole and evaluates multiple aspects of an institution ranging from its academic offerings, governance and administration, mission, finances, and resources.”
HLC has three “pathways” an institution can follow to demonstration institutional quality. All pathways require institutions to show they are meeting the Criteria for Accreditation.
The Five Criteria for Accreditation
- Criterion One. Mission: The institution’s mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institutions operations.
- Criterion Two. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct. The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.
- Criterion Three. Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support. The institution provides high quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered.
- Criterion Four. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement. The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services. The institution also evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.
- Criterion Five. Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness. The institution’s resources, structures, and processes are sufficient to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its educational offerings, and respond to future challenges and opportunities. The institution makes strategic investments and plans for the College’s future.
Accreditation History and Reaffirmation Timeline
- Accreditation originally granted: April 05, 1957
- Most recent reaffirmation of accreditation: 2017-2018
- Comprehensive Evaluation: April 11, 2022
- Next reaffirmation of accreditation: 2027-2028
ICC also holds occupationally specific accreditation for several of its programs.
What Accreditation Means to You
When you attend an accredited college or university, you can expect:
- A Quality Education: Accreditation means that the institution meets standards of quality for faculty, curriculum, administration, library management, financial management, and student services.
- Financial Aid Opportunities: You can only obtain federal financial assistance if the institution has appropriate accreditation from an organization recognized by the United States Department of Education.
- Credits that Transfer: If you ever want to transfer your college credits to continue your education, accreditation is an important factor when a college or university is deciding whether to accept transfer credits from your previous school.
Program Accreditation
The Veterinarian Technology program is accredited through the American Veterinary Medical Association. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), established in 1863, is a not-for-profit association representing more than 89,000 veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, government, industry, academia, and uniformed services. Structured to work for its members, the AVMA acts as a collective voice for its membership and for the profession.
The Cosmetology Program is accredited by the Kansas Board of Cosmetology (KOBC). The mission of the Kansas Board of Cosmetology is to protect the health and safety of the consuming public by licensing qualified individuals and enforcing standards of practice. The KBOC regulations mandate the length of the full-time Cosmetology program at not more than 12 months of continuous training with completion of 1500 clock hours of training.
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