Campus Committees
Standing Committees
Independence Community College has a variety of committees that ensure our academic excellence, secure our resources, and oversee our vibrant campus life. Explore more information about each committee using this website.
Mission Statement: The Council of Chairs (COC) consists of representatives from each of the Standing Committees. The COC synthesizes and communicates committee nonpolicy recommendations, improves communication among Standing Committees, and assigns policy and procedure proposals to the appropriate Standing Committee.
Council of Chairs is the process guidance body for making nonpolicy changes to committees. For creation, development, assessment, and consistency of their missions, Council of Chairs must approve any newly formed committee missions and bylaws and changes to the missions or bylaws of existing committees and create an annual report on how the work of each committee is related to the Strategic Plan. All members are Ex-officio members as the Chairs or representatives of other committees. This committee is Chaired by the President of the College. This committee meets once monthly, usually the second Friday at 1 p.m.
Mission: The Academic Council deals with the academic affairs and concerns of the College. The Council shall, as a consequence, be an advocate for developing, establishing, and maintaining standards of academic excellence at Independence Community College.
Academic Council has responsibilities to review and approve of matters of curricula including new proposed courses, changes to course names, outcomes, program additions and changes, developing, promoting, and recommending policies for academic affairs. The Council is made of both voting and non-voting members. Voting Faculty members are determined by election at Division Meetings at a rate of one representative for every three full time faculty members in the division. The Librarian is a voting member. The Vice President of Academic Affairs is an Ex-officio, but not a voting member. The Athletic Director and one Coach are voting members. Historically, but not by required by current bylaws, the Registrar, the Head of Financial Aid, and the Head of the Office of Enrollment and Retention have also been voting members. Otherwise, non-voting members may volunteer and participate in the committee. This committee meets the first Friday of every month in AC 103 at 1 p.m. . Additional meetings are held as needed. This committee changes Chairs in January with a Chair Elect elected in April for the following year.
Provide educational programs to the campus regarding outcomes assessment theory and practice. Adopt at least one annual assessment project or component of a multi-year project, and coordinate that project to completion. Recommend College policy regarding implementation of outcomes assessment. This committee meets monthly, usually the second Friday at 10:00 a.m.
Mission: This mission of the College Completion Committee is to create a student-centered approach to recruitment and retention efforts at Independence Community College.
The College Completion Committee gathers stakeholders from across ICC to develop strategies to promote recruitment and persistence to graduation efforts at the College. The committee regularly evaluates student success, satisfaction levels, campus engagement, and establishes recruitment and retention goals. This committee is Chaired by the Vice President for Student Affairs. The committee meets bi-weekly.
Mission: The Faculty Senate’s mission is to represent faculty interests in the governance of Independence Community College and to promote a collegial working relationship with the Board of Trustees, administration, and staff.
Faculty Senate has the tasks of collecting survey data for Human Resources to include in yearly reviews of administrators at the level of dean or higher and conducting Division Chair Elections at April Division Meetings. In addition to these tasks, Faculty Senate provides monthly reports to the Board of Trustees promoting the successes of and upcoming events for faculty in and out of the classroom. Faculty Senate provides an opportunity for discussion and communication about academic concerns between the faculty and other areas of campus. It does not function as a bargaining unit. All members are elected for two-year terms. Eleven faculty members are elected. To ensure that there is consistency in membership, two senators are elected from each of the three Divisions in Odd years as Division Representatives, and five senators are elected as At-large Representatives in Even years. This committee will meet in AC115 at 2pm on the second Friday of the month.
Mission: Develop, conduct and oversee judicial processes relating to student behavior, including academic integrity.
Judicial Committee, based on current legal requirements and best practices, makes recommendations for policies regarding student conduct, revisions for the judicial processes, consults on disciplinary hearings, and hears student appeals. The Director of Student Life is an Ex-officio member and the Chair of the committee. All faculty and staff are encouraged to volunteer to participate in order to have a pool of members to substitute in cases where a Conflict of Interest may arise. This committee must have among its members at least one faculty member, no more than one coach, and at least one other member of faculty or staff. This committee meets as needed, called by the Chair as requirements and best practices are updated and as need arises.
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Mission Statement: Provide professional development which assures personal growth for faculty and staff.
The Professional Development Committee offers many opportunities to find new and constructive ways to serve and support the entire college. This committee works very closely with HR to provide on-boarding support, develop new ways to train new employees, help create the templet for mentorship programs, and brain-storm new ideas to make ICC a better place to work. Members constantly try to find ways to cross-pollinate across divisions, buildings, staff/faculty/administrators, and other colleagues at the community, regional, and national levels. All faculty and staff welcome. No Ex-officio members. Set meetings are the last Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. via Teams.
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Mission: The Program Review Committee assists programs in achieving continuous quality improvement by maintaining focus on student success, faculty involvement, currency and relevancy.
Program Review Committee’s focus is to guide and improve the Comprehensive Program Reviews and, to a lesser extent the Annual Reviews, that are a part of Academic Review, Planning, and Development. They provide guidance in the writing of these reviews and feedback on them for improvement before they are submitted to the Board of Trustees. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is Ex-officio and the Chair of the committee. They are joined by a faculty member elected by each Division, historically the Division Chairs have also participated, and four staff members appointed by the VPAA. This committee meets once monthly, usually the third Wednesday of the month time TBD.
Mission: The Safety Committee works to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace and learning environment, as well as promote a culture of safety for our campus community.
Safety Committee is responsible for curating safe practices for Independence Community College as a workplace and learning environment by prompting ideas and communication for safety improvements, reviewing incidents, leading trainings, recommending inspections, and evaluating safety focused work across the campus community. There are no Ex-officio positions and officers are elected. Volunteer members are desired from all areas of the college community including Academic Affairs, Athletics, Business Office, Enrollment and Retention, Human Resources, IT, Maintenance, Marketing, Student Affairs and Student Government with a particular interest in members to represent areas that handle hazardous materials and reporting.
August 30
September 27
October 18
November 15
January 31
February 28
March 20
April 17
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