
This is a growing sport across the world and we’re excited to invest in it. We are working on developing a support system for our esports athletes and will be looking for content creators, videographers, photographers, cosplayers, graphic designers, and students interested in learning how to run a broadcast. In our program, you’ll find community and relationships with others who share your passion and skills, and you’ll be celebrated for your gifts. We know this sport is already popular on campus; now we’re ready to bring it out of the shadows.

What is Esports?

Esports in simple terms is competitive video games. At ICC we will be competing in collegiate leagues directly linked to the games that our athletes are playing, and our content will be focused in a way that promotes both the institution and the players alike. We will be competing against other institutions and will be attending and developing our own esports events as well. Scholarships are available to those that are eligible.

Esports logo - PIRATES text across anchor

David Adams

Vice President for Student Affairs Email David Adams

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