Campus Safety
The primary goal of Independence Community College Security is the personal safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors as well as the protection of our property. Safety personnel are authorized to intervene in situations where they can reasonably do so, and they work in close cooperation with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department in the event of a reportable crime. Safety personnel are not certified law enforcement officers and do not carry weapons, have arrest powers or investigate crimes. They patrol the campus for unusual occurrences and serve as visible deterrents.
Campus Safety Phone Number - (620) 331-8558
Emergency Alert System
Independence Community College has launched Rave Guardian, a free mobile app that turns your smartphone into a personal safety device.
You can invite your friends and family to join your network as “Guardians. You can request one or more of your Guardians to virtually walk with you on or off campus. It’s like having a trusted friend and a panic button with you at all times.
The app also has a safety feature that directly connects you to local authorities in emergency situations.
Independence Community College encourages all students, faculty, and staff to enhance their personal safety and the safety of their friends, and download the free Rave Guardian app at the Apple Store or Google Play. Explore app features at Rave Guardian.
All faculty, staff and students that have provided the College with a mobile telephone number will be automatically enrolled into the Rave Alert system. Rave Alert is ICC’s text message and email emergency notification system. It allows you to quickly receive emergency communications and other important information via text message and email. Notifications may be about inclement weather alerts or emergency incidents on campus.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Information regarding public safety at Independence Community College is provided in the Annual Security and Fire Report. This report includes crime statistics for the previous three years concerning certain crimes reported to have occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by ICC; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes information about police and public safety resources, reporting crimes, coordination between law enforcement agencies, fire and medical emergencies, crime prevention, victim support services, the law and ICC policies, campus facilities, residence hall security, timely warning policy statement, and policies related to sexual harassment and alcohol and drug use. Pursuant to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, ICC’s statement advising the campus community about registered sex offenders is available in the Annual Security and Fire Report. The current report is available as a paper copy upon written request to the Vice President for Student Affairs office by emailing Since West Campus does not have Housing, the Fire Report is not required.
Below, you may access a PDF version of the report for the Main Campus & West Campus.
2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for Main Campus
2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for West Campus
Registered Sex Offenders on Campus
Federal law, the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act amendment to the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, requires registered sex offenders to indicate when they are enrolled or employed at institutions of higher learning.
The law further requires state law enforcement authorities, in this case the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, to provide Independence Community College with a list of registered sex offenders who have indicated that they are either enrolled or employed at Independence Community College.
For additional information on the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act visit
Independence Community College is required to inform the campus community of the existence of the list and where it is available for review. A list of registered sex offenders is available from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation at
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