Visual Arts

The Visual Arts Department at Independence Community College is dedicated to developing students into artists and educators. The department is focused on student portfolio development for transfer to Art Schools and Universities across the nation. Students in the art department receive individual attention and will study a variety of studio art techniques both traditional and digital. The department offers two degrees: an Associate of Arts Degree for general studies and an Associate of Fine Art degree for transfer to a four-year B.F.A. program. The Art Department is located in the Fine Arts Building. The ICC facilities provide three rooms including a Design Classroom, a Painting & Drawing Studio and a Computer Lab. Students, faculty, and staff also utilize Fab Lab ICC.  Students  have opportunities to exhibit and demonstrate work on campus and throughout the community.

For more information about the Visual Art Program email Luke Blevins, Professor of Visual Art, at

ICC offers a variety of scholarships. All scholarships are awarded by the Department/Activity in which the student participates. Fill out an application and upload your portfolio.

Visual Arts Program Outcomes
Upon the completion of this program, students should:
  1. Be able to develop and express ideas using visual language. 
  2. Have an intermediate knowledge of the basic skills, formal elements, and techniques of 2D and 3D art.
  3. Have broadened knowledge of traditional and contemporary art practices, artists, history, formats, and genres.
  4. Be able to appropriately analyze, critique, write about, and speak about artwork.
  5. Be able to professionally present artwork and associated materials when applying art related opportunities.

Associate of Arts Degree in Visual Arts 

The Associate of Arts degree program in Visual Arts, offers students the core program for studio art. Students take core studio art requirements and general education courses. This degree will transfer to four-year colleges for students interested in studying art education or receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree.  

This program is intended for students who desire a beginning-level experience in the visual arts. Students wishing to pursue a more intense undergraduate education in visual art or graphic design leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts are advised to major in the Associate of Fine Arts Degree offered at ICC. 

Graduates are able to: 
  • understand the role of a visual artist 
  • apply basic formal and conceptual skills in the creation of two- and three-dimensional art work 
  • identify major artists and art movements in an historic, cultural and social perspective 
  • analyze visual art concepts and theories on a beginner level 
  • demonstrate basic technical and artistic development through a portfolio of Foundation Core coursework 
  • transfer into Bachelor of Arts visual art programs 

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