TRIO Services

Academic Coaching

Encourages development of student success inside the classroom and in life through customized, individualized services and supports. These services are delivered in person or through virtual appointments. Contact your Student Support Services coach today!

Transfer Assistance

Student Support Services supports ICC students in all aspects of transitioning to a baccalaureate degree program including school selection, application processes, securing financial aid, and connecting with advising resources on their next campus. This process starts with the creation of a 3-year plan to assist the student as they navigate ICC and transfer and enroll in their next school.

Financial Literacy

Academic coaches assist students in understanding the impact of financial decisions made during college. These decisions include paying for college, understanding loans, basic banking, and budgeting.

Events & Trips

Student Support Services provides ICC students with the opportunity to engage in a variety of cultural and educational activities. 

  • Welcome Week
  • Living Room Conversations
  • National First-Generation College Celebration
  • National TRIO Day
  • Transfer Visits
  • Cultural Events

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