Student Veterans of America Kicks Off New Academic Year

SVA Officers

The Student Veterans of America (SVA), Indy CC Chapter, started the 2023-24 school year with their first meeting on Thursday, August 17. The event took place at the Veteran Student Success Center on the ICC Main Campus. New club officers were elected to lead the way for an exciting year ahead.

Newly elected club officers:

  • President: Quinton Mason (U.S. Marines), Studying General Studies
  • Secretary: Shane Sanders (Military dependent), Studying Social Sciences
  • Treasurer: Audrey Cranford (Military dependent), Studying Music Education

The SVA Indy CC Chapter is part of a bigger network with 1,600 similar chapters across all 50 states, U.S. territories, and even in three other countries. Together, they help over 750,000 veteran students and military-affiliated students each year. This network has been supporting students since the end of World War II.

The ICC Chapter's main goal is to help everyone understand military culture and the challenges veteran students face when transitioning from military to student life. ICC is already known as a "Military Friendly School" and a "Purple Heart College." The SVA Indy CC Chapter is proud to be part of ICC's commitment to making sure all veteran students feel welcome and prepared for their future academic and career journeys.

All ICC students in good standing are welcome to join the local SVA club. Meetings happen on the first and third Thursday of every month. If you want to learn more about the SVA Indy CC Chapter, you can contact the SVA office at ICC by calling 620.332.5477 or emailing

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