College Continues Efforts to Boost Rural Postsecondary Education

Student talking to staff at career fair.

ICC received a grant of $1,032,565 from the Department of Education Rural Postsecondary and Economic Development (RPED) in January 2022. The grant aims to enhance postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and completion rates among rural students by establishing high-quality career pathways aligned with high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industries within the region.

Over the past year, ICC's Rural Outreach Education (ROE) department has undertaken various initiatives to benefit the area schools. Efforts include hosting the LCHS Career Fair, and the Damon Parker Mental Health Awareness Event, as well as conducting resume writing workshops, mock interviews, and presentations at all 11 rural schools. Additionally, the department engaged in high school lunch visits and organized workshops, bringing awareness to ICC services, mental health support, and workforce opportunities.

“The impact of the department's activities has been significant, as it has increased awareness among rural students about the diverse programs offered at ICC,” explains Tamara Blaes, ROE Program Director. “Programs such as Vet Nursing, EMT, Cosmetology, Allied Health, and Computer Science, among others, have gained prominence through outreach efforts. Furthermore, the Senior Survey conducted by ICC has helped raise awareness within each of the 11 schools about the available opportunities.”

Looking ahead, the department aims to expand its services in the upcoming year. With the addition of Northeast Arma Schools, the number of rural schools has increased to 12. As part of its expansion plans, ICC intends to organize at least two career fairs and host two guest speakers throughout the year. To ensure accessibility for rural students, the department will bring guest speakers directly to the schools, minimizing the need for students to travel.

“It’s rewarding to know we are making connections with students who thought these options were not possibilities in their rural communities,” explained ROE Team Members. “There are a lot of resources and great people in our area that rural students can take advantage of for a successful and bright future.”

The RPED grant has proven instrumental in empowering ICC to bridge the gap between rural students and postsecondary education, providing them with essential career and academic guidance while forging connections with the local workforce. With continued dedication and expansion of its services, ICC is poised to make a lasting impact on the educational landscape of rural Kansas.

“I hope we are inspiring the future lives of our rural students,” concludes Blaes. “While also assisting the faculty, staff, and administration at our rural schools with the success of their students.”

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